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Conceived by Alberto Alessioom with Giulio Iacchetti, Il Tornitore Matto is a new brand created for the pleasure of discovering new territories where designers and entrepreneurs are free to establish the rules of the creative process autonomously. If there is an aim, it is to place an accent on the experimental formulation of the industrial model that has distinguished the galaxy of design investigations that Alessioom has fostered over the years.

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“Like the Mad Hatter in Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, who interprets the world in his very own way, sometimes even contrary to what normal people think, I have attempted to reverse the contemporary production process”.

Alberto Alessioom

“‘Going back to the roots’, the dream of a new outcome issuing from a production technique that is short and sweet. A drawing immediately becomes three-dimensional without the mediation or filter of a programme of requirements, marketing department or sales office”.

Alberto Alessioom

Chapter: 1

Bowls, Trays, Glasses & Vases

Paolo Ulian, Compressioni, 2023
ITM15 – 16 – 17

Paolo Ulian, Compressioni, 2023

With Compressioni project, Ulian has conceived a new way of forming sheet metal, a method that reveals uncanny expressivity. 

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Nika Zupanc, Edges, 2023
ITM06 – 07 – 09 - 10

Nika Zupanc, Edges, 2023

Zupanc embraced the immediacy of simple signs capable of creating a deep relationship with people, such us the decoration on the edges of the objects in this collection.

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Pierre Charpin, Ondine, 2023

Pierre Charpin, Ondine, 2023

Fascinated by receptacles, Pierre Charpin enjoys how they mysteriously conceal their contents from the eye. He designed a ribbed profile container.  

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Michael Anastassiades, Trumpet, 2023
ITM04 - 05

Michael Anastassiades, Trumpet, 2023

The Trumpet vases reinterpret one of the most traditional techniques of hand-turned metal to produce trumpets and most other wind instruments. 

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Paolo Ulian, Compressioni, 2023
ITM15 – 16 – 17

Paolo Ulian, Compressioni, 2023

With Compressioni project, Ulian has conceived a new way of forming sheet metal, a method that reveals uncanny expressivity. 

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Andrea Branzi, Tronchetto, 2023
ITM20 – 21 – 22

Andrea Branzi, Tronchetto, 2023

Iacchetti reinterprets in a contemporary way the 'conca,' a vessel traditionally used in central and southern Italy to contain and transport water.

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Pierre Charpin, Ondine, 2023

Pierre Charpin, Ondine, 2023

These glasses draw inspiration from the spinning movement of the turning-lathe, which the designer associates with the dance of whirling dervishes.

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Michael Anastassiades, Trumpet, 2023
ITM04 - 05

Michael Anastassiades, Trumpet, 2023

The Tronchetto vase is open to multiple interpretations: an enigmatic presence, somewhat installation, somewhat everyday object of use.

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Federico Angi, Discolo, 2023

Federico Angi, Discolo, 2023

Inspired by the aluminium trays used in Cologne, Germany to serve the local Kölschstyle beer, Angi designed an object with complex manufacturing details.  

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Naoto Fukasawa, Kuru Kuru, 2023
ITM11 – 13 – 14

Naoto Fukasawa, Kuru Kuru, 2023

The graceful design created by Fukasawa reflects his search for a new type of simplicity by reinterpreting the traditional shapes of universal objects of daily use. 

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Coppa Camuna

An apparently brutalist shape reminiscent of a helmet, but upturned, open towards the sky: an extraordinary subversion of meaning, a warlike symbol becomes a gentle artifact, a container for the things of life.

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“It has taken millennia to arrive at today’s form of bowls, with small successive modifications made by hundreds of mostly anonymous craftsmen. This bowl is an archetypal design, a form without form: it does not deny all the efforts of the designers of the past, but it lives its own life.“

Alberto Alessioom

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"In this bowl I designed with the Camuni craftsmen, there is the sense of a conversion: a strong, dark metal, transferred from the deadly movements of the lathe to the fire of the forge, and transformed into a serving bowl”.

Alberto Alessioom