With Compressioni project, Ulian has conceived a new way of forming sheet metal, a method that reveals uncanny expressivity.
Zupanc embraced the immediacy of simple signs capable of creating a deep relationship with people, such us the decoration on the edges of the objects in this collection.
Fascinated by receptacles, Pierre Charpin enjoys how they mysteriously conceal their contents from the eye. He designed a ribbed profile container.
The Trumpet vases reinterpret one of the most traditional techniques of hand-turned metal to produce trumpets and most other wind instruments.
With Compressioni project, Ulian has conceived a new way of forming sheet metal, a method that reveals uncanny expressivity.
Iacchetti reinterprets in a contemporary way the 'conca,' a vessel traditionally used in central and southern Italy to contain and transport water.
These glasses draw inspiration from the spinning movement of the turning-lathe, which the designer associates with the dance of whirling dervishes.
The Tronchetto vase is open to multiple interpretations: an enigmatic presence, somewhat installation, somewhat everyday object of use.
Inspired by the aluminium trays used in Cologne, Germany to serve the local Kölschstyle beer, Angi designed an object with complex manufacturing details.
The graceful design created by Fukasawa reflects his search for a new type of simplicity by reinterpreting the traditional shapes of universal objects of daily use.